How efficiently the information presented and summarized

The International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science is one of the premier computer science publications available, having been around since 1995 and known for providing in-depth coverage of recent advancements and research findings in its field.


The Journal is organized into several distinct sections which are subdivided further. The initial section, dedicated to research articles written by leading experts in computer science, often covers artificial intelligence, computer systems, data structures, software engineering networks as well as any relevant topics. Articles submitted for consideration for publication undergo thorough scrutiny from its editorial board before acceptance for publication.


The second section of the journal features tutorials written by experts in their fields who offer in-depth explanations on various subjects. Tutorials often come complete with illustrations or examples to aid readers in comprehending complex ideas discussed during lectures.


The third section is dedicated to book reviews in computer science. Each book reviewed provides an overview, evaluation and an overall assessment of its usefulness for study.


Special issues of journals often feature specific areas or subjects of research. Such editions often consist of multiple articles as well as commentary by leading authorities in that field.


The fifth section of the journal devoted exclusively to conference proceedings. Published following a conference or workshop, these publications generally offer summaries of presentations and discussions held.


Finally, the sixth section of a journal usually comprises reports written by experts in their fields; these usually address topics like recent advancements or trends analysis.


Overall, the International Journal of Information Technology and Computer Science provides a thorough coverage of its field and serves as an indispensable resource for both researchers and students alike. Information presented is concise yet easily comprehensible while editors take great pains in making sure material presented is up to date, accurate, and of highest quality.